
Quality assurance in projects

Quality assurance in projects

After we have jointly implemented the project strategy, scope of services, provider and product selection as well as the contract, it makes sense to accompany the implementation with quality assurance. This can take various forms:

  • Representation of our clients’ interests in the steering committee
  • Technical quality assurance for project milestones or operational project support in the solution architecture
  • Budget control, in particular change request management

But even if we have not implemented the selection and the contract with you, we can contribute our experience – either as a moderator in a project that is not making progress or as a regulator if expectations are not met and to bring the project back on track.

Your requirements
You want to ensure the quality of your project due to its complexity and at the same time safeguard the budget via change request control.
Our offer
We accompany your project - operationally through budget and quality control, strategically in the steering committee.
Your benefits
The aim is to generate the maximum benefit from the project while keeping the budget under control.

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    * Pflichtfeld