license one is the first SAP License Intelligence solution

Intelligence is characterized by the fact that it not only promises potential and identifies risks. An intelligent solution shows how to realize the potential and reduce risks.

SAP License Intelligence is much more than just SAP license management!

In addition to the classic SAP license management functionalities, SAP License Intelligence includes what-if simulations, decision templates and benchmarks for SAP OnPrem and SAP Cloud architectures.

license one for SAP is provided in the cloud.
25 years of SAP experience

Dr. math. Michael Sandmeier, first neutral SAP license consultant

Presentation at the DSAG Congress on 20.9.2023 at 18:45 - 19:30
Hendrik Ramke and Dr. Michael Sandmeier will give a lecture on 20.9.2023 at 18:45 entitled “Mission Impossible? - Intelligent solutions for SAP survey”. The presentation will introduce the latest solutions for digital access and measurement by authorization.
Launch of the basic version of license one for SAP from October 2023
license one for SAP has been used as a project provision by Sandmeier Consulting since September 2022. In October 2023, the solution will now also be made available to customers for independent use independently of projects.
Presentation of the advanced version of license one on February 25-27 at SAMS 2024 in Berlin
Sandmeier Consulting will be presenting its advanced version of license one at SAMS 2024 in Berlin. The advanced version introduces new functionalities that - with the help of content, heuristics and AI - go far beyond the spectrum of an SAP license management solution.
From thought to reality: license one for SAP is the journey from a crazy idea to a market-ready product.
Louis Francus
Manager Innovation
The exciting thing about “license one for SAP” for me is working together on new digital solutions in a young, motivated team.
Cara Martin