License management

Digital Access

Digital Access

SAP's new measurement logic in relation to the topic of indirect use, Digital Access, requires SAP customers to determine a valid document volume. SAP provides support with on-board tools such as the Digital Access Estimation Report or the Passport Report. At the same time, however, no responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of the results created with these tools. The risk therefore lies with the customer!

Unfortunately, the Passport Report for the measurement is incorrect and the Estimation Report requires its own interpretations and is not a binding basis. The challenge is therefore to critically evaluate the relevant interfaces, compare the results over time and at the same time check their plausibility with the Passport Report. In doing so, "best case" and "worst case" calculations should be drawn up in order to be able to link the results with the various hardly-natural scenarios.
Your requirements
You are unsure whether you are correctly licensed with regard to your indirect usage scenarios and on the basis of the new measurement metric.
Our offer
Comprehensive analysis of the results of the Digital Access Estimation Report and plausibility check of these results with the Passport Report. Recommendation regarding the optimal commercial acquisition of Digital Access licenses.
Your benefits
Valid determination of the correct document volume as a basis for your negotiations with SAP. Optimal utilization of the DAAP (Digital Access Adoption Program) and avoidance of expensive relicensing.

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